SPECICOM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (STL) was founded / registered on 6th August 1998 and incorporated on 1st October 2002, in Nairobi, Kenya. We are located in Nairobi, Corner House 7th floor. We have a total of 30 staff, i.e. Directors (2), Finance & Accounts Manager and staff covering diverse areas in Finance, Accounts, Customer Care, Engineers and Technicians, Programmers & Developers, Administration, Sales and Marketing. Specicom Technologies is an I.T. Based
Company with over Ten years of Experience in I.T. Industry including specialization in I.T. Security. Currently, our core business is providing ICT Hardware & software solutions, IT security and consultancy services to clients in governments, private sector and non-governmental organization.
To provide quality and effective training and consultancy services to organizations in any industry thus enabling them to attain their objective.
We seek to achieve this Mission by:
- Carrying out intensive research on current ICT solutions and implementation methods in the relevant fields.
- Employing trained and experienced facilitators to impart the knowledge.
- Conducting client follow-up to ensure our clients’ needs have been met sufficiently.
- Hiring qualified specialists in the various consultancy fields to meet clients’ needs effectively.
SPECICOM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (STL) has the following as its major objectives:
- To provide ICT management consultancy services to Governmental, non-governmental, and the Business Sector in the Eastern Africa Region.
- To network with Specialists and Experts in the region.
- To provide support services in management and organizational development of information systems.
- To participate actively in the Economic Development of the countries where it operates and particularly in Africa.
To assist companies, the government, and non-governmental organizations improve their efficiency and effectiveness through improved use of ICT resources, diverse ICT solutions for enhanced productivity and performance.
- Our facilitators and Consultants have mastered their fields of specialty necessary for professional competence and success.
- Our facilitators and Consultants bring unique skills to our organization thus contributing to its excellence in service delivery.
- We welcome suggestions from participants on how well we can improve our services to be able to meet their needs effectively.
- Our partners and staff are committed to client services. Significant resources are devoted to ICT Solutions and Facilitators to ensure maintenance of this commitment.
- We offer a range of services designed to enable our clients to meet their professional service requirements from one source. This means that the background knowledge gained by providing services to a client can be productively utilized in future assignments within the organization.
Effective ICT Management is an essential prerequisite for social and economic development in Kenya. As an organization we seek to make effective contribution to the development of ICT Management in the following ways:
- In response to market needs we concentrate more on areas where the ICT management practice of Kenyan organizations does not meet current standards.
- As we learn from other countries, we seek to adapt their concepts and practices to our own cultural and social-economic context.
- We aim at the development of Senior and Middle management, as we believe this will create the highest impact on economic development.
- We aim to develop entrepreneurship, as we believe that economic development is based on entrepreneurship and innovation.
- We address general management and all its functional areas, co-operating with specialist institutions and individuals for the benefits of our members and clients.
- Our activities involve electrical engineering services, computers, servers and related peripherals supplies, software training & development. ICT consultancy, Networking and office equipment. We support these activities through publications and provision of upto date information and customer back-up and service.